Support Services
To find even more local and national services go to
Anamata – Enabling young people to lead vibrant and healthy lives through clinical services, social supports, education and health promotion.
0800 ANAMATA | anamatacafe.org.nz
Youthtown – Community Youth Organisation for all youth aged 5 to 18 years. Aims to inspire and motivate youth to reach their full potential through expressing themselves physically, creatively and socially.
07 378 0783 | youthtown.org.nz
Youthline – Offers access to a wide range of youth development and support services. We’re at the forefront in developing and providing youth and family services and we offer and can link young people to a comprehensive range of clinical services.
0800 37 66 33 | free text 234 | youthline.co.nz
Kidsline – Free, nationwide telephone counselling serivce for children up to 18. Our service is free and confidential.
0800 KIDS LINE | kidsline.org.nz
Skylight – Skylight supports people of all ages, who are facing any kind of tough life situation. We specialise in counselling support services and information around grief, loss and trauma. We aim to provide the right help, at the right time, in the right way.
0800 299 100 | skylight.org.nz
Real – Our team includes local psychologists and youth workers who actively engage with young people in environments familiar to them.
07 348 2944 | real.org.nz
Tuatara Counselling Services – Provides confidential, safe, and non-judgemental counselling for people of all ages.
022 692 7351 | tuataracounsellingservices.nz
ARC Counselling – Provides counselling, education and support to the Taupō, Turangi and Mangakino Community and assists in the understanding of and recovery from substance abuse and addiction.
0800 227 5272 | 07 377 1132 | arccounsellingservices.com
Need to Talk? any time for support from a trained counsellor
Free call or text 1737
Lifeline – Provides a free, 24 hour telephone counselling service offering help, support, responsive listening and information.
0800 LIFE LINE | lifeline.org.nz
Suicide Crisis – We are there for people, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Its our mission to reduce distress and save lives.
Anamata – We offer inclusive and confidential clinical health, mental health and social support for the rainbow youth community. We run a diversity group and are in the process of helping create groups at local schools. We partner with InsideOUT to run workshops for youth, parents and schools.
0800 ANAMATA | anamatacafe.org.nz
OUTline – Telephone peer support, information, support, referral to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, takataapui, Intersex community and their family and friends.
0800 OUT LINE | outline.org.nz
RainbowYOUTH – Providing support, information and advocacy for young queer and gender diverse people up to the ages of 27. Additionally, we have services to support the friends and whānau of queer and gender diverse youth, as well as their schools and others that work with them.
09 376 4155 | ry.org.nz
Takatāpui – A resource hub for takatāpui and their whānau
Need to Talk? any time for support from a trained counsellor.
Free call or text 1737
Taupō Family Centre – We deliver services to support people impacted by or perpetrating family violence.
07 376 8222
Age Concern – Your first port of call when you and your whanau need information, advice, referral and support.
07 378 9712 | ageconcern.org.nz
Te Whare Oranga Wairua – Women’s refuge is New Zealand’s largest nation-wide organisation that supports and helps women and children experiencing family violence.
07 378 5204 | 0800 REFUGE | womensrefuge.org.nz
Awhina Society – Taupō Women’s refuge offers 24 hour advocacy, education, support, and safe accommodation to women and children affected by family violence.
07 377 1055 | taupowomensrefuge.co.nz
Shakti New Zealand – Provides culturally competent support services for women, children and families of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin who have experienced domestic violence.
0800 742 584 | shaktiinternational.org
Shine Domestic Abuse Services – If you’re experiencing domestic abuse or want to know how to help someone else.
0508 744633 (9am-11pm)
Taupō Family Centre – Offers a range of services to support people impacted by or perpetrating sexual harm that work to reduce the devastating longer term impacts that sexual harm has on people, their families, whānau and communities.
07 376 8222
Safe to Talk – Sexual harm helpline.
0800 044 334 | text 4334 | safetotalk.nz
Male Survivors – To support in every area males of all ages who are victims of any abuse, sexual, physical, mental, emotional and domestic.
07 858 4112 | 0800 677 289 | waikatosurvivors.org.nz
ACC Find Support – If you’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault, use our online search tool to see the organisations that have therapists who can support you. This therapy is a free service, funded by ACC.
findsupport.co.nz | 0800 735 566 (ACC)
Victim Support – Provides information, support and assistance to victims, witnesses, their families and friends. We also promote victims’ rights through raising public awareness and recognition of the effects of crime.
0800 VICTIM | victimsupport.org.nz
Taupō Family Centre – We deliver services to support people impacted by or perpetrating family violence. The services work to reduce the devastating longer term impacts that family violence has on people, their families, whānau and communities across New Zealand.
07 376 8222
Safe to Talk – Sexual harm helpline
0800 044 334, text 4334 | safetotalk.nz
Need to Talk? any time for support from a trained counsellor
Free call or text 1737
He Waka Tapu – This number is setup for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whanau member. We’re here 24/7 to listen and to help. So give us a call next time you’re on the edge!
0800 HEY BRO