Netflix Party
Online event for rangatahi (12-24)
Join us next Friday for a Netflix movie night and snacks!🍿
Sign up with your name and address and Anamata will deliver you a free box of goodies just for the occasion 💕
What you’ll need: Netflix, a desktop or laptop and to download Netflix Party extension-its free to download, the link is below. You’ll also need to sign up so we know where to deliver your box of goodies.
25 spaces available.
Youth Week is a celebration held annually to celebrate youth and their active participation and strong connection to our community. To ensure connections happen during the COVID-19 pandemic, Anamata is inviting young people to participate in virtual events that are just for them and their peers!
The theme is E korero ana mātou. We’re speaking. E whakarongo ana koutou? Are you listening?